
Importance of Sleep

We all need sleep. It is an undisputable part of being a functional person. With all of the demands of life constantly sucking up a majority of our time, it's hard to find the time for the recommended eight hours of sleep a night.

Everyone knows that not getting enough sleep is bad because you can literally feel how crummy it is to be under-rested. When you go to sleep, so do the neurons and cells in your brain, so by skimping out on sleep you’re not allowing them to fully rest and rejuvenate. You need those neurons and cells to rest so they stay healthy and keep your brain properly functioning.

Even one night of poor sleep can have negative effects on the parts of the brain that effect decision-making and memory recollection. A study showed that people who sleep for less then five hours a night are also more likely to suffer from depression.

No one wants to be forgetful and depressed, so we need to find the time to get that sound night of sleep that our bodies so desperately need. The national sleep foundation recommends sticking to the same bed time and wake up time, even on the weekends. Being on a consistent sleep schedule is one of the best gifts you can give to your body.

Exercising everyday is also proven to enhance your quality of sleep. It has been reported that people who participate in regular exercise get a sounder and less interrupted night of sleep.

Moral of the story: go to bed! There is enough time in the day to get everything done, and if not there’s always tomorrow. Take care of your body because it is the only one you have.