
Collagen Supplements: What is all the hype about?

What is collagen?

A protein that makes up about 30% of the body. It is found in  bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, blood vessels, corneas, and teeth. It is often described as the glue that holds all off these together.

As we age, our bodies produce less and lower-quality collagen. This is most visible in our skin, which becomes less firm and supple. Cartilage also weakens with age.

Benefits of Collagen Supplements

  • Improvements in skin elasticity. Softer more supple skin? Yes, please! Some studies claim it aids in prevention of deep wrinkles. Collagen is a common ingredient in wrinkle creams.
  • Reduction in joint pain. (This is the reason I am trying it!) I’m tired of sounding like a Rice Krispy treat and even more tired of the stiff and painful joints.
  • Reduce leaky gut symptoms. Collagen may help to reduce inflammation in the GI tract. (I will take any help I can in reducing inflammation!)
  • It is protein. The powder can be added to foods and beverages like any protein supplement. Many people take protein supplements to add muscle mass, or make their smoothies more filling.

I’ve only recently begun taking a collagen supplement so I have not yet noticed any differences. All reports indicate taking the collagen faithfully every day for at least 4 weeks, to see changes!