
How to keep your motivation from melting!

Well it is officially 117° here in Scottsdale this week! I don't know who came up with the term "dry heat" but it doesn't ring true for me. So, how do you keep your fitness goals in mind when you just want to melt into a puddle?

  1. Keep it simple! Write down a few small action steps you can do each week to keep working towards your goals.
  2. Keep it cool! If there is one great thing about living in the Valley it is the abundant supply of pools! Work on some underwater moves to help increase your resistance while staying cool.
  3. Keep hydrated! Water and electrolytes are key to keeping your body happy while you're staying fit in the heat. Lastly...
  4. Keep your appointments! Delta Pilates has offered virtual appointments since its inception to help keep our clients on their journeys and support them no matter where their travels lead. Keeping a dedicated appointment on the calendar helps to build accountability and structure.

Call us today to see how we can help you maintain an active fitness journey! 480-455-0155 or

Staying grounded during challenging times

Everyone has a lot on their plate right now. I've heard many clients dismissing their own valid concerns with harmful language suggesting that their issues are not "as bad" or "important" as someone else's. There is no scale. There is only what we can control and what we cannot. When we focus on what we can control, we allow ourselves to stay tethered to our own issues (read: not worrying if you see someone in Target not following the rules) and let others' issues just be. They have their own full plate to deal with today.

Things I cannot control (so I can let go for my own sanity):

  • If others follow the rules of social distancing
  • The actions of others
  • Predicting what will happen
  • How much hand sanitizer is at the store
  • How long things will be out of sorts
  • How others react to news, social media, school stats, movie theater openings, restaurant attendance, etc. etc. etc.

Things I can control (so I will focus my energy on these areas to help me stay grounded):

  • My attitude and maintaining a positive outlook
  • How I follow guidelines to stay healthy
  • Limiting excessive news or social media exposure
  • Staying healthy by maintaining my Pilates practice
  • Allowing myself to disengage from people or situations that don't serve the list above

How are you staying grounded? Are you remembering to breathe? We have virtual sessions available every day of the week with all major time slots available. Even if you just want to check in and make sure you're doing your breath, MELT Method, Pilates homework or your favorite stretch sequence correctly, we're here for you!

Wine Wednesday

It's Wine Wednesday!!

We are a firm believer in this tradition as it is the perfect way to celebrate your week being halfway over!

But if you needed more reasons to incorporate this fabulous day into your life, we've compiled a list of reasons why.

  1. Wine is healthy! Well, it has very beneficial properties. It’s all the rage, and it’s a big part of the Central Coast scene! Science dictates this to be true, and we don’t want to argue. Wine has antioxidants, reduces the risk of heart disease, and improves cognitive function!
  2. Wine brings out the best vibes! Wine Wednesdays encourage interacting with others, which is proven to decrease depression and boost feelings of prosperity.
  3. Wine is the drink of the gods and was a crucial aspect of keeping ancient civilizations civil. Across many different ages and empires, wine provided economical, medicinal, and religious support. We should honor the time spent researching different properties of wine by indulging in a glass.
  4. Disconnect Engaged. Our modern environment is, simply put, uptight. Stresses are quick to accumulate – money, home life, work, and many other external factors. The mild sedative quality of red wine allows us to disconnect, relax, and rejuvenate.
  5. Eat more, drink more –that’s the life, right? Red wine controls blood cholesterol levels, protecting you from the effects of fried foods. Is there a better statement in this world? With that said– everything in moderation.

Want to elevate your Wine Wednesday even more?

Take it outside! We know that wonderful feeling of sharing a bottle of wine with friends in your sweatpants on the couch, but we also encourage the excitement of dressing up for a fun day out. Plan a wine tour at a local winery or simply enjoy your glass outside on the deck with friends as the sun sets on this beautiful day.

However you do your Wine Wednesday, we raise a glass with you!


Morning Routines.

Good morning friends!

Today's blog is all about your morning routine and how maintaining one can help keep you motivated and on track in your daily life.

Now we don't mean bust out a pen and paper and create a checklist that is 15 bullet points long. What we DO mean, is to establish a series of occurrences that you can do the same way every single day. By starting the day right, you maximize effective time of positive influence of the ritual on your day.

Setting the tone for the day is extremely important. The best strategy to do so is to form good habits enclosed in a morning routine.

Another reason why the morning is the best time to start changing your life is the existence of the body clock. Most organisms on this planet, including you, run in cycles. The daily 24-hour cycle is called the circadian rhythm and is responsible for a balance between eating, sleeping, and various other physiological processes.

The circadian rhythm of human willpower is simple. The amount of available willpower is the highest right after sleep. During the day, willpower is used and it reaches the minimum level in the evening. Therefore, people often break resolutions at the end of the day.

How often do you hear that someone ate healthy for the entire day only to consume tons of chocolate in the evening? This is the willpower’s circadian rhythm in action.

Thus, the morning is the best time to start the change that requires willpower. If we begin our day with a familiar series of events, we are less likely to "fall off the wagon" with our habits, goals, and ambitions for the day and are less likely to fail.

Routines can be as simple as waking up, having a good stretch, enjoying a cup of coffee, a shower, and then off to work. Or it can be much more elaborate. However you "morning", keeping it consistent will make all the difference in your day!

Fall into better habits!

September is in full swing which means...can you believe it...Fall!! We know this time of year is always crazy busy and jam-packed with school, recommitting to busier schedules, and holiday season prep. It is so easy to get lost in the fog of the chaos and our health and wellness needs can easily fall by the wayside. Here are some tips to keep up your healthy habits during this hectic season change.

  1. Make sure you get your sleep. Setting a regimented sleep schedule can help you maintain immune function, metabolism and mental wellness.
  2. Switch from pumpkin spice lattes to the actual pumpkin! Pumpkin is a nutrient-dense fall favorite that can be consumed in MANY forms - pureed, roasted, and even in a pie! It boosts heart health, improves vision and has even been known to prevent certain types of cancer. And don't forget about those seeds! You can still have your pumpkin and eat it too :)
  3. Still, savor that sunshine. It may not be as hot, but the sun is still shining and you still need that vitamin D. So, get outside!
  4. Think activities...not exercise. Take those pumpkin and apple picking strolls for instance. As you walk through miles of orchards and fields you are also getting in a great walk/hike. Incorporating activities like this that feel "fallish" is a great way to maintain an active lifestyle without feeling like you're missing a workout in the gym.

The change of season always brings a bit of disruption to our lives but we don't need to let it get in the way of our health and wellness habits. Happy Fall everyone!

Summer is a state of mind...

Summer is a state of mind...a state of mind that can make it insanely difficult to stay motivated and enthusiastic about your fitness. We've all been there. But this is just a small reminder that consistency TRULY is key. Getting over that initial hurdle is the worst and it is so easy to fall before you can even get over it sometimes. But as we continue to push, even on the rough days, those tiny wins and those tiny "better choices" start to become the ones that make a major impact on your overall health. You CAN do this. Stick with it. Allow it to become a habit instead of a nuisance. Allow it to be your obsession for a little while until you notice it becoming second nature. Before you know it, your health and fitness will just be part of your everyday routine and you will be SO glad you got to that point. Don't give up. After all, it is bikini season ;)