
Inspiration #4

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” Sometimes it is hard to forget the past, because it can’t be changed, however, if you live in the moment, your future could change for the better. The past is supposed to prepare you for the future, not hinder you from new experiences that could appear in your life. Enjoy the rest of your week and remember to live in the moment!

Inspiration #3

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This was my childhood motto. My parents didn’t raise me to believe that I was the best at everything first try. If I wanted to see results, I had to push myself and believe in myself that I could do anything I set my mind, but also my heart. I knew I wasn’t going to be amazing at everything I did, however, as long as I tried my hardest, I was content with my ability. I hope everyone can take away something from this, because life is difficult, but it is about finding out how to get through situations and trying again at hard tasks that make you stronger.

Inspiration #2

“Worry about loving yourself, instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.”

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. It puts into perspective the idea that in order for others to truly get to know the real you and love that part of you, you need to love yourself. It grows confidence and positivity within yourself, which turns into a happier and healthier one-of-a-kind YOU! Keep that in mind this weekend. Don’t compare yourself to others, it discourages the confidence and positivity you need in order to be happy.

Inspiration #1

Don’t let the fear of striking out; keep you from playing the game. There are going to be a lot of people who don’t believe in you, don’t want you to succeed, and will try anything to see you fail. You don’t need those people in your life, however, if you are ever out of motivation for the day, think of them and let that be your motivation. Prove to them that you DO have what it takes, you CAN do whatever you set your heart and mind to, and they cannot take that mindset away from you. You don’t need them to believe in you, you just have to believe in YOU.

Have a great rest of your week!

To start off the week!

I wanted to motivate more people for the start of a crazy work or school week in order to get through it with confidence and poise. This week's inspiration quote is:

"Worry about loving yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you."

It is kind of a generic quote, however, it has deep meaning behind it. In order to love others, you have to believe in yourself and love yourself unconditionally. This, in turn, gives you confidence and makes your relationships with others that much stronger, because there will be less/no jealousy or other unnecessary drama. This brings about a healthy relationship, which will bring about a happy, more fulfilled life. So love yourself unconditionally... your imperfections make you an individual, which shows you and others how special YOU are.

Hope this helps! Enjoy your week!

Right timing!

Sometimes things happen that are out of your control. I personally believe that everything happens for a reason. It could be for a life lesson, learning experience, to strengthen yourself, have a different, more prestigious opportunity in the future, etc. Unfortunately sometimes it takes years upon years to figure out why things happen when they do, however, sometimes you never really know, but that is the power of life. Expect the unexpected.

What I have learned during my life so far is to never be too serious, have a good time with friends, family, jobs, school, etc. Laugh as much as you can; studies show that increased laughter, increases your lifetime. Smile as much as you can. In high school, everyone would tell me that they only see me smiling. Even if you are upset, angry, or emotional… just by smiling, it can turn your mood around. The last advice I would like to give is to appreciate the small things and people in your life. Sometimes the small things are the most impactful things in your life that you experience. Also, you never know the last time you will see someone. Be grateful for each and everyday with each and every person you see or talk to.

Have a fantastic week! Enjoy the little things!