

It is pretty clear, especially in Southern Arizona, that the weather is changing and fast. This year is flying by and summer will be here as soon as you know it. With that being said, it is important to always have a water bottle with you. I carry an entire case of water in my car so if anyone driving in my car, homeless people on the street, or I am thirsty, we can all stay hydrated. It is only $2-$4 for a case of water… definitely worth it.

It is going to be 125 degrees in a matter of 2 months… it is already 100 degrees! Prepare your bodies now for a healthy summer, then it will be easier to continue to drink lots of water throughout the entire summer season.

Take care of your mind, health, and body!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

It will all be okay!

Everything happens for a reason. Like the famous song goes, “If it is meant to be, it’ll be.” If you are going through a hard time right now, you aren’t alone. Try talking to people or exercising to get your mind off of the situation. In the end everything will be okay, if it is not okay, it is not the end. Keep your head up. YOU are YOU… strong, confident, and fearless. Always remember that.

Have an amazing weekend!

It’s almost the weekend!!

What are your weekend plans? Do you have some free time during your days? If you answered yes to the last question, then drive on over to Delta Pilates for privates, semi-privates, and group classes with some of the most experienced Pilates trainers in Arizona! Start or end your weekend with a bang!! Go into your next week feeling confident and accomplished from your weekend!

See you soon!


Life everyday is full of stress. Things to help reduce your stress include:

  1. Relaxing. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. 8 hours per night is the recommended amount of time.
  2. Organizing. Try to organize everything you have to get down in a planner, calendar, or to-do list.
  3. Take time for yourself. Do a little something for you to make yourself happy. (Take a Pilates class, go for a stroll, or go get your nails done)
  4. Spend time with your loved ones. They can turn your mood around, because they truly do care about you.

There are so many types of stresses, but it will all be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is not the end.

Have a great, non-stressful week!


Y: Yourself

O: Outstanding

U: Unique

Don’t compare yourself to others. It is a bad, unintentional habit, but we all do it. We always want what we can’t have. If you think about it, some people would love to be you and have YOUR life; people look up to you, people you wouldn’t even think about. We can’t always have everything we want; however, we can be the best version of ourselves, which in the end will make us happier with our life and essentially our future. So be YOU… be Yourself, be Outstanding, and be Unique!!

Make everyday great, while just being YOU!

Losing Motivation?

For the past couple of days, I have lost some of my motivation to do any physical activities since my self-esteem has been low. If this happens, try to find a buddy to go to Pilates with. You are more likely to go through with the plans if there is someone else involved, because you don’t want to cancel and let them down. This can bring back some of that motivation, because you'll be getting back into physical activities, which could spark up your motivation again!

Have a fantastic week!