
Right timing!

Sometimes things happen that are out of your control. I personally believe that everything happens for a reason. It could be for a life lesson, learning experience, to strengthen yourself, have a different, more prestigious opportunity in the future, etc. Unfortunately sometimes it takes years upon years to figure out why things happen when they do, however, sometimes you never really know, but that is the power of life. Expect the unexpected.

What I have learned during my life so far is to never be too serious, have a good time with friends, family, jobs, school, etc. Laugh as much as you can; studies show that increased laughter, increases your lifetime. Smile as much as you can. In high school, everyone would tell me that they only see me smiling. Even if you are upset, angry, or emotional… just by smiling, it can turn your mood around. The last advice I would like to give is to appreciate the small things and people in your life. Sometimes the small things are the most impactful things in your life that you experience. Also, you never know the last time you will see someone. Be grateful for each and everyday with each and every person you see or talk to.

Have a fantastic week! Enjoy the little things!


It is pretty clear, especially in Southern Arizona, that the weather is changing and fast. This year is flying by and summer will be here as soon as you know it. With that being said, it is important to always have a water bottle with you. I carry an entire case of water in my car so if anyone driving in my car, homeless people on the street, or I am thirsty, we can all stay hydrated. It is only $2-$4 for a case of water… definitely worth it.

It is going to be 125 degrees in a matter of 2 months… it is already 100 degrees! Prepare your bodies now for a healthy summer, then it will be easier to continue to drink lots of water throughout the entire summer season.

Take care of your mind, health, and body!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Life everyday is full of stress. Things to help reduce your stress include:

  1. Relaxing. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. 8 hours per night is the recommended amount of time.
  2. Organizing. Try to organize everything you have to get down in a planner, calendar, or to-do list.
  3. Take time for yourself. Do a little something for you to make yourself happy. (Take a Pilates class, go for a stroll, or go get your nails done)
  4. Spend time with your loved ones. They can turn your mood around, because they truly do care about you.

There are so many types of stresses, but it will all be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is not the end.

Have a great, non-stressful week!

Losing Motivation?

For the past couple of days, I have lost some of my motivation to do any physical activities since my self-esteem has been low. If this happens, try to find a buddy to go to Pilates with. You are more likely to go through with the plans if there is someone else involved, because you don’t want to cancel and let them down. This can bring back some of that motivation, because you'll be getting back into physical activities, which could spark up your motivation again!

Have a fantastic week!


I attended a presentation this past weekend and it was so inspiring. The woman talked about how each of us should always try to be the best version of ourselves, but questioned us when and what that actually looks like? It was very intriguing to me, because I couldn’t pick a time… but that is the thing, you need to be the best version of yourself everyday. Just like anything, there’s a reputation for a name and you decide what your reputation is based on your everyday decisions. It is YOU who defines the name you have, own it!

Make your name have the best reputation!

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Smile when you think about all of the reasons why you are important. Smile when you think about all the special people in your life. Smile when you think about how much those people would do for you. Smile for the opportunity to be alive and healthy today. There are so many reasons to smile, so turn that frown upside-down.

Keep smiling through the weekend!